NNEdPro-IANE Nutrition Education
Virtual Learning Environment

webinar series

Nutrition in Medical Education - Insights from the NNEdPro ANZ Network

Webinar recorded in November 2021

Dr Jennifer Crowley
Nutrition in medical education: The New Zealand experience
Updates from current research at Auckland University. This will include insights from a pilot project carried out by a medical student who completed a Med Sci Hons research project in 2020.

Dr Tracy McCaffrey
What people like: Communicating health in the online era
Technology has changed the way the public consumes information, with the internet and social media being the go-to for health advice for many people. It is important for healthcare professionals to adapt and upskill their practice in this new online world, to communicate effectively. Dr Tracy McCaffrey's research has evolved from dietary assessment and consumer understanding of portion size to the use of marketing techniques to improve health professionals’ ability to communicate on social media.

Breanna Lepre, APD, PhD Candidate
Nutrition Education in Medicine
Breanna will present updates from her ongoing PhD project. She is currently completing her PhD at the University of Wollongong, Australia, with a focus on nutrition education in medicine.

Each webinar is followed by a dedicated Journal Club where selected papers from associated wider literature are presented and discussed in more detail.

The webinars and journal clubs are held in partnership with the International Academy of Nutrition Educators as well as the BMJ Nutrition Prevention and Health.
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+1 hour
of content
of attendance
Meet the instructors

Breanna Lepre

Dr Jennifer Crowley

Dr Tracy McCaffrey

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