NNEdPro-IANE Nutrition Education
Virtual Learning Environment

webinar series

Diet and Climate Change

Webinar recorded in March 2021

Agriculture and food production impact food choices as well as dietary patterns which in turn influence nutritional status and health outcomes. Along this pathway there are a number of interrelationships between environmental sustainability and climate change on one hand, linking to diet, nutrition and health On the other hand. This course examines these complex relationships and how to harness data and evidence in making decisions to do with diet and nutrition, that are good for both the environment as well as health.

Each webinar is followed by a dedicated Journal Club where selected papers from associated wider literature are presented and discussed in more detail.

The webinars and journal clubs are held in partnership with the International Academy of Nutrition Educators as well as the BMJ Nutrition Prevention and Health.
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+1 hour
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of attendance
Meet the instructors

Shane McAuliffe

Helena Trigueiro

Dr Kathy Martyn

James Bradfield

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