NNEdPro-IANE Nutrition Education
Virtual Learning Environment

WEBINAR series

At Scale Long Term Condition Management in Primary Care Using Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching

Webinar recorded in February 2024

Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are unequivocally essential for optimum health and longevity. However, they are often regarded by the medical profession solely in the context of disease prevention. There is a tendency to give up on nutrition and lifestyle once someone has developed a Long Term Condition such as Type 2 Diabetes or hypertension and to then focus all efforts on medication. Mutiple systematic reviews demonstrate that improvements in health outcomes are greater through lifestyle approaches than through medication and it's therefore critical for health systems to ensure that nutrition and lifestyle support is given primacy not only in disease prevention, but in Long Term Condition treatment.

The webinars and journal clubs are held in partnership with the International Academy of Nutrition Educators as well as the BMJ Nutrition Prevention and Health.
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1 hour
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small fee
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Meet the instructor

Dr Vipan Bhardwaj

Dr Vipan Bhardwaj is Modality Partnership's National Lifestyles Clinical Director and, in this session, will outline how that approach has been adopted in England's largest Primary and Community Care Provider.
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