NNEdPro-IANE Nutrition Education
Virtual Learning Environment

Mobile Teaching Kitchen Cookbook

This cookbook (first volume) was created with the expertise of the ‘Bhavishya Shakti Co-operative Society’ and includes recipes from South Asian Lacto-vegetarian cuisine (with the use of eggs as an optional added item).

The co-operative's goals are to empower and educate marginalised communities through nutrition education, creating healthy food and passing messages to friends, family and customers. Every copy of this cookbook when sold, directly feeds back into these initiatives.
About the project

The 'Bhavishya Shakti' Mobile Teaching Kitchen initiative empowers women and communities by sharing knowledge and skills through the medium of nutrition education, with the aim to enhance health and wellbeing and tackle the triple burden of nutrition present in India.

The project is on track to be a sustainable model to empower Indian slumdwelling mothers through entrepreneurship and nutrition education. To reach the stage of sustainability we need funds to support the Mobile Teaching Kitchen unit and ensure a respectable salary for the working mothers.

Supporting the Mobile Teaching Kitchens initiative means supporting a project that is tackling malnutrition (both under-nutrition and over-nutrition) at the grassroots level.

Mobile Teaching Kitchens for health are turning what we know in research into real-world results for a healthier more sustainable world. However, we need your support for this innovative project - please share this initiative with your friends, family and networks!

Write your awesome label here.
All proceedings go to the MTK Initiative
We need to equip the facilities, provide further training and materials, ensure that the Mobile Teaching Kitchen has the means to run, and to build more Mobile Teaching Kitchens units!
Write your awesome label here.


  • 15 Menus
  • 56 Recipes
  • Cook-along Videos
  • Nutritional Information
  • Different methods of cooking
  • Easy to follow recipes


Compiled by Dr Luke Buckner and Sanchita Banerjee
Recipes designed by Sudeshna Maitra-Nag and Chitra Ray
Contributors Debashis Chakraborty, Jørgen Johnsen, Asim Manna, Matheus Abrantes and Helena Trigueiro
Edited by Professor Sumantra Ray


  • Check out the second volume of the MTK Cookbook, which includes:
  • 13 Menus
  • 50+ Recipes
  • Healthy Indian snacks and sweets
  • Nutritional Information
  • Different methods of cooking
  • Easy to follow recipes
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